Let's see........I'm a week late. I know it doesn't seem like a long time, but I've never been late before in my life. I'm 32 years old. I have two kids and had a tubal perfomed 9 years ago after my 2nd was born. I'm having some symptoms of pregnancy. I've been really tired, moody, my boobs are very sensitive and sore, my side hurts a little, and my back hurts too. I know these could also be signs of starting too......its just like I said I'm NEVER late! I haven't been stressed or changed my diet or execercised more or anything that would cause me to be late. Has anyone ever heard of anyone getting pregnant that long after a tubal? Also, if I do a home pregnancy test how far along would I have to be for it to show positive? It's been a long time since I was pregnant. :0(
Can I be pregnant after tubal ligation performed 9 years ago?sheet music
Yes! I was told the odds for getting pregnant after tubal were 1 in 200. And I met a woman who got pregnant after 12 years of having her tubal!! So go get a home pregnancy test! They are acurate and can test pretty early anymore. Just check label for how soon.
Can I be pregnant after tubal ligation performed 9 years ago?state theatre opera theater
I don't think you can I have had mine for 16 years, but you may want to see your doctor, and you might think you aren't stressed but you might be.
yes u can trust me i got one now i'm due in may
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