Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christians, why did your god only perform "miracles" in one tiny area of the planet?

Forget the "creation miracle" for a moment. Why didn't the Aztec, Roman, Sumerian, or any other ancient culture report of miracles from this god?

And please, don't say "he did, they just didn't recognize them" because if that were true, why wouldn't these miracles be contained in the bible? The bible is supposed to be the word of god, isn't it? Surely the same god who hardened pharoah's heart so he could show off a little, wouldn't miss the opportunity to have all his miracles in his book?

Why was only a fraction of the planet the ones to "see" these miracles??

Christians, why did your god only perform "miracles" in one tiny area of the planet?dream theater

Jeeze, have you forgotten the miracle of death, murder, rape, hatred, war and a thousand other atrocities god allows everyday?! Egads man!

Thumbs down to me for telling the TRUTH!

Christians, why did your god only perform "miracles" in one tiny area of the planet?performing arts opera theater

he wanted to
answering... He does miracles all over the world today, maybe you don't believe that though. The story of the Jews is the story of God's chosen people and his chosen method of bringing salvation the the entire world. It makes sense that the narrative contained in the Bible would focus on those people.
While I'm not Christian; I do know that Isaiah 8:18 says the signs G-d provided were for the children of Israel.
He wanted to see a bunch of numb nuts kill themselves over him.
Either you didn't read the New Testament or you do not see. Even as of today, true miracles happen every day (I.m proof ot it)
He isn't finished perfofming miracles...just wait and see!
Right time, right place.
Jesus and the Jews lived in a small country, and this is where most of the miracles happened in the Bible.

But since the days Jesus walked the earth as a man, He has been working miracles through His believers around the world. Try doing a web search with the key words "Jesus documented healing" for some evidence.
Forget the creation miracle? Never.........Nice try.....
.. Isn't this obvious? While Jesus was the son of God, it was him performing these miracles, and as a human, he just can't be everywhere at once. I think it was the job of his disciples to spread the word of his good deeds around the world.. and apparently it worked, considering the popularity of christianity worldwide.
ok back then they didnt have cars...that is a long way and i mean he did travel a long ways...just not thattttt far
"Miracles" seem to be confined to rather small groups of people. Isn't that strange? Hmmmm.
You have stated a scientific question about a religious act. Faith is the correct answer--proofs are scientific.
hahaha. Very funny.
I saw one on Pluto
That's a mighty fine question. Mighty fine. I would like to know that myself.
They did. He came to his 'other sheep' in the Americas. That is why the Aztecs remembered Quetzalcoatl. Your will find the story of His coming in the Book of Mormon.

24 And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country.

25 But I tell you of a truth, many widows were in Israel in the days of Elias, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when great famine was throughout all the land;

26 But unto none of them was Elias sent, save unto Sarepta, a city of Sidon, unto a woman that was a widow.

27 And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Eliseus the prophet; and none of them was cleansed, saving Naaman the Syrian.

28 And all they in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath,
Perhaps the jews were the only ones worthy. God long ago gave up on her other creations.
I really can't answer your question, but on Judgment Day, when you meet Him face to face, ask Him yourself.
Because the people had little tiny minds.
Jesus was sent, as a human, to the House of Israel. That was where hie preaching was to be focused because of a promise made to Abraham. He performed those miracles to give the people proof that he was, indeed, the Messiah. The miracle we have in hand now is God's Word the Bible, available in about 95% of the earth's languages.
He was dealing with his "people", the ones He chose for Himself. If you read the book you'd realize those people couldn't go very long without some sort of action to remind them of who they were and who He was.

If God showed a miracle to another ancient civilization, do you honestly think they'd know who did it? They'd put it onto one of their many many many gods they already had in place. The ten commandments alone showed they were not worthy. They were given creation as their testiment of Him and shown mercy for what they didn't understand. If they sought Him out, He would hear them. They had only to open their eyes, just like you, to know who He is...but most will not want to see it and will try to call it something else.

If you were going to tell a story about a group of people who were constantly making mistakes and screwing things up, would you take your story off to various parts of the world right in the middle? It's not about the others, it's about 1 group and their trials and failures. The lessons they learned and hardships endured apply to EVERYONE because we are ALL guilty of them at one point or another. The whole thing is about WHY we are guilty and unworthy, and how we may BECOME guilt free and worthy of His presence.

Oh, and God doesn't "show off". He created the world and everything you see, what more is there to prove? Surely, no man can think of something God hasn't thought of first. Try to imagine something, an object or animal or any kind that doesn't already exist. Create a creature that doesn't have ANY parts of a creature that lives on earth.
God will Bless Whom He Pleases! You are just a man, who are you to question the motives of the Most High God!
Since you are only asking for an "opinion"...then let us consider the following:

Throughout the ages, you had to be someone IMPORTANT in the eyes of man before anyone would listen to you...and, if your belief was considered "heretic" , you were subject to being killed......which happened more often then not...

....whom would be able to pass on what they know once they were dead? And, how many have the fortitude to stand up for what they saw if it would bring pain or ceasure of goods, or loss of life to family members by doing so?

Such things are well KNOWN to have happened throughout history....or will you argue with that as well? Hitler's reign killed 1/3 of the population of that time, there were such things as MEDIA to record it being so...yet, even today, there are many whom do not believe it was matter what ANYONE says.

May you find Peace :)
good question!

i think that good has, and still does, perform miracles every day.

everytime the sun rises and a new baby is born it is a miracle....
Jesus only performed miracles in the Holy Land because he could only afford to purchase the franchaise for that area. You see, Jesus came from a very poor family. His mother lived in a stable and his father was an older man who believed a virgin could have children. Jesus, himself, never got the opportunity to get a good education since the Head Start program of the liberals was still about 2,000 years away. And, there are rumors that Jesus was, well, shall we say, One Of Those, since he alway hung around with a bunch of guys. Not that there's anything wrong with that. No siree! And that's why Jesus only performed miracles and other unmentioned stuff in one tiny area of the planet. That, and to worry imbeciles who worry about such crap as this.
...I believe your calculator is incorrect, and I will mess up your argument, but many unexplained things go on that we cannot see, i.e., cancers disappear that were supposed to be fatal and other healings - God does heal today, but often we cannot see it, and He has chosen to work that way.

...In John 21:25 we read: And there are also many other things which Jesus did, which if they were written in detail, I suppose that even the world itself would not contain the books that would be written. (There is not enough space in the world to hold these accounts).


...In Matthew 12:39-40, observe:

...39 But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation craves for a sign; and yet no sign will be given to it but the sign of Jonah the prophet;

...40 for just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the sea monster, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.


...At least of a couple of things to note here:

...1. An evil and adulterous generation craves a sign

...2. We already got the required sign (when Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose again).

...There is plenty of evidence for the resurrection; believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved. (Acts 16:31)

...You and I need no further evidence - now we must believe on Him.

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