Thursday, December 10, 2009

What do you non believers think of excorcisms?

My bro was watching this show, he said that it said it was a true story (said at the start it was apparently and it was on the discovery channel), and it was about this lady who was possesed by a demon.

She would threaten people, speak in a "demonic" voice and all this other stuff. She would also usually black out when this stuff happened and wouldn't remember it.

So they got a priest in to perform an excorcism, of course she started having a fit like thing - and apparently the chair levitated right before the demon left.

I laughed the whole time i was watching it, its just ridiculous. They would drink holy water to try and get rid of the demon etc.

What do you all think of this?

What do you non believers think of excorcisms?say yes

Look up "placebo effect" because that is the only real part of it.

What do you non believers think of excorcisms?palace theatre opera theater

good basis for a movie
Hopelessly silly.
They make for good movies because they are not based on any true stories, regardless of what Emily Rose told you.
The woman was not possessed but mental.
Utter nonsense. Note that only believers experience this sort of thing; no atheist ever needed an exorcism. Evidence that it's just more religious crap.
My first response, of course, was "Well, if it was on TV it must be true!"

It's show biz, kid.
Some people think that exorcisms prove the existence of God. Their logic is that if there are demons, then there must be angels.....and if there are angels...then there is a God. etc.

But, if you think outside the box, what is really going on with that woman in the first place? I doubt its a demon. I, being an atheist, do not believe in God, angels, demons, heaven or hell. But, I do, however, believe in ghosts. Is it really possible for a ghost to inhabit the bodies of the living? We don't know.....but its a possible alternative theory.

Another theory, is that its television. They are not bound by any law that says they can't lie to you. It may not have been a true story, like they said.
I remember that show. I think it's interesting that the only account there is of the story is the Church. They have credibility issues if you ask me. Anyway, I think it's much more likely that a person can be extremely mentally ill. I have an aunt who has a form of epilepsy that looks very much like the demonic possessions you see in the movies. She had to spend six months in a mental hospital and was doped up to her eyeballs, but she was stabilized with medication.
Mental illness and a stage show finale. Levitating chairs that's kid stuff. The mind freek as levitated from building to building.

I would sooner believe Chris Angel is supernatural then I would that demons or God are real. And No I don't believe the mind freek is supernatural. Only that he is a good illusionist!

However this should prove that what you think you see may not always be what is actually going on!
A load of old bull**** She must have been mentally ill.
I think they're a really ***ing cruel thing to do to someone suffering from mental health problems.
Demons do exist, unfortunately.
Temporary mental insanity brought on my fervant religious belief and fear.

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