Saturday, December 5, 2009

Is it ok to show that "human female" are smart as male by comparing animal female?

For instance,

Female dolphins perform practical jokes as often as males.

Female rats and mice run mazes just as efficiently as males.

I think this is wrong to illustrate that human female are as smart as male by using this examples.

Share your opinion.


Is it ok to show that "human female" are smart as male by comparing animal female?playhouse

This whole argument was designed by some female with an inferiortiy complex.......

Is it ok to show that "human female" are smart as male by comparing animal female?plays opera theater

No...Absolutely not...We are of a higher intelligence. I believe as my heart has accepted that God did create man to have dominion over the earth and the naming of the animals. So, how in the world can we be compared to???? I agree wholeheartedly with you :)
No they aren't human and as far as I'm concerned between the two sexes in the human race the female is the superior. So what the hell do they want equalization for? I mean if they want to be equal to a man they are going to have to give up a hell of a lot of their own powers to come down to our level.

Smart is not confined to one sex or the other. Abilities are.

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