Creationists assert that all the layers of the Grand Canyon were deposited in a single flood. For the cost of a few exhibits in the $27 million dollar Creation Museum, the scientists could mix the appropriate minerals in water and show they deposit in distinct strata. Why haven't they done this experiment?
Do "Scientific" Creationists perform experiments?performing show
Stratification due to catastrophic geological events is indeed very observable and has been observed and documented on many occasions. One of the best documented being the recent Mt. St. Helens eruption:
And that was a very small geologic occurrence compared to what could have happened during a massive ice and snow melt from the last ice age. Glacial lake flooding has been recently observed and documented, and there is geological evidence for it as well.
Creating that in a lab or museum? It's kinda been done:
I don't know if they performed radiometric findings though. If you have any good articles on that, I would love to check them out.
I believe there is strong evidence for and against both catastrophism and uniformitarianism, and that both theories had a hand in the formation of today's earth geology.
(Sighs), O.K., so this question is dealing with catastrophism vs. uniformitarianism and scientific theory and method, right? So why is everyone attacking the definition of "faith", discusing the veracity and historicity of ancient manuscripts, and name calling? If you guys ever expect a real dialogue on these issues, you'll have to stop the Ad Hominem, Appeal to Ridicule, Ignoratio Elenchi, and Red Herring arguments.
Oh, and btw, mentioning the "Creation Museum" is a Straw Man.
Aristotles fallacies presented by uniformitarianists: 6
Answers actually addressing the question: 1
It's another good question Novangelis, but the insulting remarks take all of the fun out of it.
Do "Scientific" Creationists perform experiments?opera score opera theaterThe Creation Museum is not a straw man. It does not misrepresent the opponent position as it is a forum for the opposition to present its position. I only mentioned the price tag because in a previous question about research, lack of funding for Creationists was cited. Report It
Because they have too much faith in their hypothesis to subject them to tests. Testing a hypothesis simply means you don't have enough faith to believe it without evidence.
What experiment can you do for biblegoddidit?
Here is a creationist experiment
Hypothesis-darwin was wrong
Experiment-Read the holy bible
Conclusion-God said it, I believe it, that settles it. Hypothesis proven
I am not familiar enough with any method undertaken by "Scientific" Creationists, but any experiment that would attempt to prove scientifically the value of an article of faith is, by its very nature, suspect.
I believe they call it 'Prayer'.
"Why haven't they done this experiment?"
Cos as soon as they start doing 'science' their methods and results can be questioned; they already know they are committing fraud but if nothing is on paper they can't be charged with anything.
Just cos they're morons doesn't mean they're morons. :)
No all they do is quote holy books all the time
Oh yes.---They have developed very accurate and sensitive instruments to measure the precise amount of holy manure it requires for a sermon to be effective.---Most T.V. Evangelists are using this technology today, and their collections have increased significantly.
The Creation Science Department is still working out the details of their Big Zap Theory, which they hope will counter the Big Bang Theory. --- They have a great array of scientific instruments at their disposal for testing this scientific break-through.
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