In our project we want tat it shud show d experiment of pendulum.
thr shud be 1st screen where start option shud be thr( a clickable button)
on clicking over tat nxt page shud be opened.
in 2nd page a text box with haeding "the length of string" shud be thr. user must enter lenght in tat. with two buttons next n back
clicking on nxt (3rd)shud open a window in which a bob shud be thr hanging with a thread tied to a stand it shud in 10 min switch over to nxt window to start d experiment.
in 4th window the bob shud start oscillating and its timing shud match with dose of d resultant time tat we will b getting thru calculations. in this we will be using some presumptions tat the angle at with the bob is taken to 7degree before it is dropped. thr it shud oscillate 5 times.
den 5th window shud open wich wud show d result of oscillation i.e. the time shud hv two buttons 1.exit n 2.again.
I want a c graphics source code which is able to perform experiment of pendulum...plz give suitable link...?symphony
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I want a c graphics source code which is able to perform experiment of pendulum...plz give suitable link...?performing arts center opera theater
This is a very specific program you want... so specific in fact that I doubt you find it already written anywhere - this is why you need to learn to program for yourself and not rely on the work of others.
Get yourself a C compiler, and spend some time reading tutorials and resources on the net, and learn to program. Then design your program (not just the interface, but the maths etc as well), and then code it up. Test, edit, repeat.
Good luck, and welcome to the world of programming!
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