but when iam using find(l_MIN),Referenced object 'find' is not a member of class __rw_tree_iter%26lt;std::pair%26lt;const std::basic_string%26lt;char,std::char_traits%26lt;... %26gt;,long%26gt;,long,std::pair%26lt;const...message is given.And l_MIN
value is a string and so it need to convert it.so iam using find(l_MIN.c_str() which is also showing an error.
I have to perform map stl find.?ballet
This is telling you that the object you're referencing (find) is not a menber of the parent class. In other words, the function you're calling "find" is not valid. Make sure you are including the proper libraries, name spaces, etc. (depending on the language you're using).
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